Universe Treasury

Governance Treasury

Universe Treasury is the top level Governance Treasury that has oversight abilities of all governance treasuries underneath it. This treasury is governed by 13 Treasury Members and led by a Head Treasurer elected by popular vote from the treasury members.

​This Treasury operates independently unless violations of rules occur. Universe Treasury is overseen by MN Treasury.

Universe Treasury uses a multi-signiture Treasury Wallet to distribute its allocated funds each year as ratified by Treasury Members Proposals and Votes.

​All funds are public and verifiable via the blockchain.

​Address: 0x0C6733Bb1926C7Bf3B47dBB8F38C5325F6A9daf9

Fund Universe Treasury for generations into the future all with one contribution. Universe Treasury governs MN Coin in our Universe and oversees the other governance treasuries under it.

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Treasury Purpose

Universe Treasury is set up to provide oversight of sub-level treasuries under its authority as well as governance to MN in the Universe.

​Universe Treasury cannot overturn other treasuries proposals or guidelines unless they are in violation of the rules.

​This treasury has governance of everything in this universe including the digital sphere. All other Governance Treasuries are of physical locations, areas and regions, Universe Treasury governs what may not have a specific physical region or areas, spaces, realms not fully known or understood yet.

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