
Structure & Discaimer

For information on donating or sending MN Coin to different Treasuries, scroll down to the Treasury Disclaimer before doing so.


All Treasuries displayed on the MN Coin Treasuries page are structured under the MN Treasury Model and governed by the Treasury Code.

Treasuries are pass through addresses that allocate up to 1% of funds each year based on treasury member votes on proposals. To clarify, no one owns the Treasuries and no one directly benefits from the treasuries in the form of profits or influence and all taxes or dues are expected to be paid out upon the distribution of the funds. The Treasury Model is structured this way so as to maintain the capital base indefinitely and have funding for many generations to come. With the allocation model of up to 1% every year, the Treasury can sustain near indefinite funding and this is why they are referred to as 'Perpetual Treasuries'.

Initial capital allocations of MN Coin can provide funding for the Treasury to operate for thousands of years as a 1% max draw down adjusts to the capital base and allocates a lower amount of MN Coin every year. MN Coin being a deflationary currency, the hope is that the value of MN Coin will rise at or above the rate of the 1% draw down on the treasury, therefore allowing the Treasury to Maintain a value allocation equal to the year before even if less and less MN Coin is allocated each year. To be clear, the Treasury System is to work in tandem with the deflationary model of MN Coin providing long time preference and long term thinking. These models are structured to favor long term stability over short term outcomes.

Internal Governance

Each Treasury is internally governed as opposed to externally governed so as to favor long term stability over short term irrationality.

Internal governance is intended to support internal harmony, alignment, and stability within the Treasury. This is intended to ensure quality decisions are made and that the Treasury will seek to promote longevity of the Treasury rather than short term conflicts and chaos.

This means that all decisions within the Treasury Code are governed internally such as the election of new Treasury Members to the board, the removal of Treasury Members from the Board, and the election of the Head Treasury Member. Internal decisions as opposed to external decisions is intended to promote a harmony amongst the treasury members to support longevity of the Treasury and the sustained allocations of funds to its specific causes.

 Proposals require a 70% passing vote and approval from the MN Treasury to go into effect, but all decisions are made directly by the Treasury Members vote meaning that MN Treasury or others cannot decide how to allocate a Treasuries funds, just MN Treasury can deny proposals. The ability to deny proposals is put in place to help prevent potentially damaging proposals put into effect and funds being issued to untrusted sources. As cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible, it is important to provide funds to trusted sources.

Potential risks of internal governance of the Treasuries:

1: Internal biases prevent the Treasury from acting in its intended purpose
2: Internal harmony is favored over adding new members that challenge the status quo or bring new ideas
3: Unqualified or corrupt Treasury Members fill the board and this is sustained because of internal governance

Intended benefits of internal governance:

1: Sustained progress and stability for many generations
2: Long term thinking 
3: Quality decisions made

Long Time Preference over Short Time Preference

The Treasury Model as governed under the code has many methods in hopes of supporting long term thinking over short term and often more impulsive and emotional decisions. One of these is the 1 Year Probation that Treasuries are put under when a Treasury Member is Added or Removed. 

The intended effect of this is to prevent impulsive adding or removing of Treasury Members as well as to give the new Treasury Member time to integrate and harmonize within the Treasury. Often when a new person is added or someone is removed, emotions may be high and impulsive actions on proposals would be more likely to happen. The one year probation is one example intending to promote long term thinking and that of quality decisions.

Treasury Member Pay

Treasury Member Pay is available if the Treasury Members vote on a proposal to do so. This being said, Treasury Member Pay can be a max of 1% of their 1% yearly budget from the Treasury capital base.

This means in an example, if this year a Treasury has a 1,000 MN Budget for allocation, 1% of this can be distributed to Treasury Members as payment if a proposal to do so is passed. This would be 10 MN available for Treasury Member Pay in the example shown here.

Treasury Members receiving payment are responsible for paying any taxes or dues that may be required on this income.

MN Hosted Treasuries are not entities that hire employees and should not be treated as such. If the Treasury Board agrees on a proposal to compensate them for their work, they may do so up to 1% or their 1% yearly budget.

The Code

The Treasury Code, also referred to as The Code, is the governance model for all Treasuries hosted under the MN Treasury Model. Other Treasuries will likely spring up with time and may or may not adhere to this model so to ensure you are interacting with a Treasury hosted under this model, check for all the hosted Treasuries.

You can read the full Code for all MN Hosted Treasuries here

Treasury Disclaimer

All MN Hosted Treasuries listed on the website are governed under The Treasury Code and are just pass through wallet addresses that allocate value into the future for certain causes.

​MN Treasuries will not be active in their function until the earliest of January 1st, 2033.

​All donations or allocations of MN Coin or any other coins can not be refunded or returned for any reason. We ask if you choose to send value to a Treasury that you support, only send MN Coin.

​501C or qualified donations: As of current the Treasury System is not active or registered as a charity, even though the treasury wallet address is able to receive coins. This means that any donations or contributions are unlikely to be covered as qualified donations or deductible to your tax bill.

​People supporting or promoting the Treasury asking for you to contribute may or may not be directly involved with the Treasury and as a result, could be sharing inaccurate information or potentially misleading information. We are not responsible if inaccurate information from someone involved or not involved was shared and you took action on an uninformed basis.

​To clarify, contributing to a MN Hosted Treasury is done on your own decision and no coins can be returned under any circumstances. MN Hosted Treasuries are not currently registered as charities and will not be in effect until the earliest of January 1st, 2033. Contributions to any MN Hosted Treasuries does not buy special favors or give you votes or any type of ownership or control in the Treasury. Contributions to the Treasury means the Treasury can allocate funds as it sees fit and is not subject to your approval or disapproval. Any contributions you make are done on your own decision and you take full responsibility that you are giving up ownership and control of those coins.

​With that all being said, I want to thank you for choosing to be involved in MN Coin and the MN Treasury System