MN Coin LLC will periodically and on demand make updates to the amounts of MN that are held for business operations and the support of the MN Coin project.
These reports are designed to bring greater understanding about the financial viability of MN Coin LLC which is a supporting company to propel and develop the MN Coin Project.
Reports such as these will be given and updated on demand to fully disclose any intended purchases or sales that may happen now or in the future. Statements will occur with 24 hours notice or more and are not required to happen as guarantees, as in purchases, sales, swaps, or transfers may or may not happen but 24 hours notice will be given before we intend to do so.
Notices will always be at the top of these reports and will be labeled Update Notice on the Reports page. Periodic reports may be made to summarize activities and disclose holdings.
Note that we perform these reports as acts of good faith to our users and are not bound by law to do so. Inaccuracies or mistakes are possible and one should always do your own research when investing. Read the full disclaimer on the disclaimer page.
0.2 BNB + Gas Fees is intended to be swapped for MN on Pancake Swap and allocated to MN Coin LLC's main project wallet estimated to occur Friday December 6th, 2024 after 12 PM UTC.
Results if swap executed: View here
Intended to be used for the funding and development of the MN Coin Project through and after January 1st, 2033.
Funds will be required to operate and must be managed well to be used effectively without being depleted.
Main wallet: 4,564,051,352,029.579157910446348909 MN
Temple of Saturn: 158,805,924,650.39224554601520661 MN
Time Bank: 3,000,000,000,001.41 MN
Temple of Castor & Pollux: 783,777,816,447.739210669185232391 MN
Temple of Vesta: 322,903,721,563.608094564324524535 MN
Temple of Jupiter: 237,078,928,570.875231780251844926 MN
Temple of Juno Moneta: 3,784,882,881,698.323716274125202961 MN