3 Easy Steps

MN Coin is a cryptocurrency offered exclusively through DEX Exchanges such as PancakeSwap, ApeSwap, & BabyDogeSwap.

​To Buy:

1. Follow this link to PancakeSwap and Ensure you are Swapping BNB for MN Coin on the Binance Smart Chain.

​Contract address: 0xe34B5DF7EabacAdf00cFB005dd707CC64cD01856

2. Connect your Web3 Wallet and Ensure you are on the BNB Smart Chain.

3. Set Slippage Tolerance to 10% and Swap BNB for MN Coin!

Congrats! You are now Saving Deflationary!

Save this page and share it to help MN Coin Grow!

Disclaimer: MN Coin has no control over the price of MN Coin, the market based on supply and demand determines the current price. Trading with DEX Exchanges such as PancakeSwap you are trading with automated market-makers and is completely independent from MN Coin LLC. All investments carry risk and you are accepting full responsibility if you choose to buy. Consult a financial advisor for help.