Start Accepting MN Coin Today

It's easy!

MN Coin is a great way to drive more business with customers. MN Coin crosses borders seamlessly for those doing international business while also working well in local transactions.

To get started accepting MN Coin in your business, all you need is a Binance Smart Chain wallet such as MetaMask or Trust Wallet, sometimes called a Web3 Wallet. 

Let your customers know you accept MN Coin! You'll be surprised how many customers this will attract. 

How to Calculate Prices

Fees & Price Calculations

Most of the world still operates by valuing everything in a fiat currency. This makes sense as it is what everyone will accept as payment.

A great way to accept MN Coin is to continue to price everything in your standard currency then convert to MN Coin at the register. This will give you the most up to date prices and the added benefit of not having to change prices.

MN Coin does have a 10% transaction fee, so make sure to account for this when accepting MN Coin. 

How to Calculate Price

The best way to calculate price is to divide the amount you want by 0.95

Example: You charge $100 for an item, divide this by 0.90 and you get $111.11
Now take $111.11 and use the MN Coin Price available here and divide by MN Coins Prices. This will give you the price in MN Coin to charge for an item.

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