Mission Launch!



What You Get From MN Coin

  • Value Model
  • Eternal Scarcity
  • Forever Money

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MN Mission


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Built With YOU In Mind

  • Increasing Scarcity: Each Transaction Burns 1%
  • Max Supply: 100 Trillion MN
  • Transaction Cost: 10%

MN Coin has a max supply of 100 Trillion MN and a burn rate of 1% of each transaction. The total cost of each transaction is 10% with 9% going to the MN Treasury and 1% being burned. MN Coin is designed as a deflationary store of value for you to benefit by saving long term.

Our Founder

Founder of MN Coin - Austin Travis Chalk
Founder of MN Coin - Austin Travis Chalk

About Our Founder

Austin Travis Chalk

  • Part time astronaut 
  • Grew up as a farmer
  • Working for progress to a better world

Who We Help

Who MN Coin is built for?

Unlike other currencies, MN Coin is for a very specific type of person. This may be you or it may not be you.

​First, MN Coin is not for those looking to get rich over night. That is not how MN Coin is designed and that is not the way to create lasting change in the world.

​Second, MN Coin is not for those who cannot take responsibility for themselves. Using cryptography and blockchain technology, you are fully responsible for your MN Coin.

​If you are any of these first two cases, MN Coin is not for you. You'll find better luck elsewhere.

​Now, I want to tell you who MN Coin is made for.

MN Coin is for the Saver.

Yes! The saver, the person willing to save consistently for a future goal.

The person willing to forgo consumption and save value for the future!

Unlike other currencies, MN Coin is different.

MN Coin is designed directly to benefit those who save over time!

The Longer You Save!

The longer you save in MN Coin, the more the total supply has decreased due to something unique about MN Coin,... A Token Burn on Each Transaction!

​That's Right! Every transaction burn 1% further reducing the total supply of MN Coin every time it is used.

​Now, I know what you might be thinking!

​Does MN Coin have a Max Supply??

​The answer is "YES!" MN Coin has a max supply of 100 trillion MN Coin and there is no ability to create new MN Coin.

​With this being the case, each transaction reduces the total available supply of MN Coin and this directly incentivizes MN Coin to maintain or even increase the value per coin!

​Amazing Right?

Why Now?

I'm sure you have herd this one before; the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is today.

​Well, that is exactly what I am here to tell you. The sooner you get started Saving In MN Coin, the sooner you are able to start contributing to your future.

Every time that you invest more in MN, you are building and planning for your future.

Wouldn't life be great if you could just work hard and save money and expect that value to be there for you when you retire?

I am here to give you that power. I am here to show you the way. I am here to give you the easy way to save for your future.

Life is so much simpler when you start saving in MN Coin!

Buy MN Coin Now!

Follow These 3 Steps

  • Setup a Web3 Wallet: MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Brave Wallet, Coinbase Wallet
  • BNB Smart Chain: Switch Your Wallet To BNB Smart Chain and Have BNB
  • Swap: Swap Your BNB for MN Coin using Pancake Swap 🥞

Need Help Buying MN?

Watch This Video on how to BUY MN Coin 👇

Disclaimer & Contact


MN Coin LLC does not provide financial advice; we aim to deliver accurate information about the MN Coin Cryptocurrency Project, which includes MN Coin, MN Treasury, and MN University. Investing in MN Coin is separate from MN Coin LLC and operates independently via blockchain technology, giving you complete decentralized control over your assets.

Official Channels:
- Website: [https://www.mncoin.com](https://www.mncoin.com)
- X Account: @moneycointeam

Important Notes:
- MN Coin LLC is not liable for any misinformation or misleading content disseminated through our communication channels. Always conduct your own research (DYOR) using various independent online tools to validate and explore crypto projects, including MN Coin.

- Security Warning: Do not disclose sensitive information like private keys, seed phrases, phone numbers, or email addresses to anyone claiming to be associated with us. MN Coin LLC will not be held responsible for the loss, theft, or improper securing of your cryptocurrency assets. Ensure you understand how to manage and secure your assets on blockchain protocols.

- Investment Clarification: Investments in MN Coin do not equate to owning shares in a company or any other entity; they solely represent ownership of the MN currency.

- Investment Risk: Investing in cryptocurrency involves high risk, including potential loss of capital, and is not suitable for all investors.

For Further Information:
Contact: austin@mncoin.com

​This statement clarifies MN Coin LLC's position on responsibility, security, and the nature of investment in MN Coin.

Houston, We Are Go For LAUNCH 

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